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What About All That Youtube Stuff?

Let's do a quick survey of all that Youtube stuff that so many of us suck up these days. We'll focus on financial offerings; but there's stuff out there for just about anything you can think of. On the financial side, there's an huge - and seemingly growing - stream of interview-format videos. Not sure how or why the hosts got into this, given the spread of types who do the interviewing. Favorites are those who seem not to be "professional" investment types. The ones who seem to be less tied into the industry tend to give the better interviews. As for the professionals, their technique typically lags. Many seem to want to show off how much they know. So if you're there for the guest's views, it's frustrating to have to listen to blow-hardiness taking up your time. Of course, some of the interviewers play off of their lack or experience, even knowledge. One particular woman plays this role, and sometimes I've thought it's part of her schtick

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