Time To Leave No Stone Unturned

It's time to leave no stone unturned. What makes it so?

Well, if you believe that we're launching into a raging Bull Market in stocks (and you're significantly invested therein), maybe it's not your time.

And if you hold with the gang that touts a strong U.S. economy, one that's in "Goldilocks" mode, maybe it's not your time.

Oh, and don't think for a moment the thought of either of these being possibly true hasn't crossed my mind. Despite a natural proclivity to view the Stock and Economy Bull with a skeptical eye, there's segment of brain matter that strains to look at the other side. Seriously. 

Is this one of those "anything can happen" moments that investment folks use to hedge their point of view. 


But it's not a matter of covering my butt. To prove the point, this simple question: Covering to protect against what? Who cares what I think?

Nor is it a matter of protecting my profession reputation by not falling on the wrong side of the road. In similar mode, who cares about my professional reputation?

(I guess I do, but anyone who would undermine said reputation really isn't worth spending a moment of conscious thought on. There's a lot of other stuff that makes demands on my conscious thinking.)

It's simple humility. I know I can be wrong. So I need to concede that even those opinions that seem absurd and not worth considering or commenting on must be deferred to until proven wrong. 

Still, such humility decidedly does not imply that one does not take measures appropriate to the anti-Bull view of what's going on.

With that in mind, let's consider what it might mean if the Bulls, while continuing their run, may very well hit a precipice that ultimately finds them falling into the ravine of self-destruction.

And the simplicity of the opposing view, at this point, naturally calls for a serious spirit of anticipation and preparation.

And the thing about such a spirit is that there's little downside.

Oh, there's the little matter of not reaping the benefit of the all-time highs in stocks. And, sure, if one has allocated a large percentage of their investments to stocks, that benefit may be something to write home about. 

Then again, there's really only one allocation that would call for such a screed: investing in one of the major indices: Dow, S&P, NASDAQ. 

See, only such investments have accrued the full benefit of this Bull. The general market isn't in nose-bleed territory. If you don't know this, it would behoove to start Googling.

And with that in mind, we who haven't committed a large allocation to the Big Boys, who have observed recent stock market data and economic data with a skeptical eye are cogitating. And such cogitation would seem to recommend a walk through our financial house,. And having conducted such a walk-through, the only logical next step would be to get out the sand bags as well as the Dutch Boy's finger.

Translate all this into measures that would provide sufficient defense against whatever it is that might erupt as a result of these dysfunctional markets and government policies.

The thing is, if there is a raging Bull, so be it. 

We adamantly prefer sleeping at night.


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