Anthony Weiner's Weiner

Well, I finally got sucked in to the Congressman Anthony Weiner saga. After avoiding wasting any time on what I thought was nothing all that unusual, as far as personal activities of far too many of our "representative," I wound up running across this TV report while on vacation.

The funny part of the TV report was that the lead reporter was Maria Bartiromo, a real paragon of professionalism and personal virtue. (Remember her "professional relationship" with a Citigroup bigwig about 4 years ago?) What a world.

Anyway, Weiner lied about exposing his crotch - albeit a crotch covered with cloth. (Don't worry, I haven't seen the photo - and hope it never pops up anywhere where my eyes happen to be focused.) And, having lied, he gave the sort of press interview you'd expect from someone desperate to keep his privileged position as a U.S. Congressman. You'd think he'd resign, given the facts he's admitted. I suspect why the guy doesn't resign voluntarily has to do with just how privileged a Congressman's position really it. What's a guy like Weiner going to do instead that? Whatever it might be, he'll miss the power, I imagine.

As for being forced to resign, you have to wonder whether it's matter of restraint by his colleagues based on fairness or that they're all afraid to point the finger. Maybe it's a combination of both. Who knows?

Is there anything to learn from this? Possibly this: If you don't already understand the corrupting influence that power has on us weak humans, then wake up. When I say "power," I mean political power. Political power corrupts those who seek it and wield it.

As for resigning, my first thought was that Weiner needs to resign, having been caught in corruption. He should no longer have any credibility with his constituents. On the other hand, don't be surprised if he retains some level of credibility. Or, even if he doesn't retain any real credibility, don't be surprised if people still run to his support. They'll justify supporting this guy because they believe he will vote for goodies for them. The believe he'll provide some sort of advantage or privilege to the people who vote for him - another corrupting influence.

So Weiner, hey, just resign. How could you not? And listen Congressional "leadership": If this guy doesn't resign on his own, don't you think you could work up the gumption (based on your sense of right vs. wrong) to force his resignation? Maybe you'd gain some slight measure or respect from your contituents. Then again, that hasn't matter all that much in the past, so why should it now?


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