War With Iran Closer

The U.S. continues prepping for war with Iran. As U.S. officials meet with Iranian officials to insist that Iran stop developing nuclear capabilities, the U.S. military continues with its contingency plans for war. You can find details by clicking HERE. When stories appear in the press about war preparation, you can believe they were placed there for a reason. I think that reason is that we're moving closer to war with Iran.

In addition, this particular story appeared in the weekend edition of the Wall Street Journal. When a story like this appears, it's usually because someone doesn't want too much attention drawn to it. Maybe the government wants to prepare for war, but doesn't want to alarm us too much. I think that the fact that this story was placed in the Journal on the weekend means that that we're moving closer to war with Iran, but the government doesn't want to beat the war drums too loudly yet. Maybe they're just softening us up for what's coming.

OK, so that's not the most shocking news you've heard. But do you ask why we're preparing for war with Iran? You should. You may find if you do you'll have a hard time coming up with a reason for going to war with Iran.

Not that there are no reasons out there. For example, if you believe that the U.S. should go to war with Iran because of Israel, you have a reason. I understand why the Israeli government is concerned about Iran having nuclear weapons. But you'd still have to explain why the U.S. would go to war with Iran if Israel's government doesn't want Iran to have nuclear weapons. I don't know for sure, but it seems to me that Israel's government can take care of itself.

Maybe you think that Iran threatens the U.S. You hear about how Iranian terrorists are set to attack our homeland. But, of course, if they are planning such an attack, it would seem that they're planning that because the U.S. is planning to go to war with Iran. Why else would they attack the U.S.? Maybe you know the answer. I don't.

As for Iran threatening the U.S. in any other sense, I'm not sure what that could be. Would Iran stop selling us oil? Would Iran close the Straits of Hormuz and prevent oil from the whole Persian Gulf being shipped to the U.S. and other countries? They haven't closed the Straits yet. Maybe they never will. Is that a reason to go to war?

Question: What acts of agression has Iran committed against the U.S.? Answer?

On the other hand, the U.S. has already committed acts of aggression against Iran. The U.S. government has warned other countries that they must stop buying Iranian oil. And if they don't, the U.S. will prevent the banks of those countries from being able to conduct business internationally. The U.S. has the power to do that.

Even more directly, the U.S. has already prevented Iranian banks for conducting international business. They've done this by denying access to the SWIFT system, which is how banks wire money internationally. This didn't get too much press coverage, but it could be taken as an act of war against Iran.

So with the U.S. already taking measures against Iran - some or all of which could be taken as acts of war - and with the stories about war preparation appearing in the press, what else can you conclude but that the U.S. is getting closer and closer to war with Iran.

But given the fact that Iran hasn't directly threatened the U.S., along with the fact that it's hard to see exactly how Iran could threaten the U.S. besides closing the Straits of Hormuz - which they haven't done - I'm left wondering what our reasons might be for going to war with Iran. Further, what would the government hope to gain from a war with Iran.

After all, the U.S. government has been involved with the revolutions (or whatever they are) in Libya, in Egypt, now in Syria - the list is long and growing longer, it seems, by the day. What has the U.S. government gained so far from these involvements? Do you know?


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