Congressman Akin's "Hurtful" Remarks Stir Up Firestorm

Congressman Todd Akin's remarks about "legitimate" rape and how a woman's body reacts to whatever "legitimate" rape is stirred up the media's hornets nest on Monday. (In case you missed this story, you can find a quick summary by clicking HERE.)

Once the media ran with this, politicians jumped all over the guy, including - actually most especially - those from his own Republican party. As of this moment, Akin says he's sorry but he won't quit the Senate race in Missouri. I suspect he'll be pulling out soon, though.

You should expect the media to go hog wild with comments like Akin made, especially given the fact that he's Republican. The guy was trying to make a point about being pro-life, i.e., against abortion, but that's been lost in the mix - naturally. As for the politicians, the Republicans don't want to be "infected" by Akin so they'll throw him to the sharks in the media.

I don't feel especially sorry for the guy. He apparently released and "ad" online and said this in response:

"Rape is an evil act. I used the wrong words in the wrong way, and for that I apologize," Akin said in the spot.
"The fact is, rape can lead to pregnancy. The truth is, rape has many victims. The mistake I made was in the words I said, not in the heart I hold. I ask for your forgiveness,"
So he made a mistake "in the words" he said, not "in the heart" he holds. If you can make any sense out of that, please let me know.

But why be surprised? How many politicians do you know that make a whole heck of a lot of sense? Remember that, for the most part, politicians do what they do because they desire power. They want to wield power over others. Yes, I realize that some will think this a simplistic, even unfair statement. But that's exactly what our Founding Fathers believed way back in the 18th century, and it's why they created the U.S. government and its Constitution the way they did. They understood that the lure of power will make people say and do things that most of us would never dream of saying and doing.

And so Congressman Akin said something not only entirely inappropriate, but pretty much idiotic too.

Which, by the way is not at all surprising for a politician - saying something idiotic that is. After all, if your focus is on getting, keeping and enhancing your power, how much time do you really spend being careful about what you say?

Well, I had just said that things are and would be unusually quiet these two weeks before Labor Day, so the media must be grateful for this nincompoop's comments. And maybe the most hilarious part of all this is listening to all the other politicians' indignant remarks about Akin's gaff. They love to play the "self-righteous" card at the drop of a hat.

Anyway, I'd be surprised if Akin doesn't announce he's pulling out by the end of the day, or at least by tomorrow. Either that, or he plays chum to the sharks who smelled blood and won't quit until they tear him to shreds.


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