Here Are the People You Gave Gifts To - Whether You Know It or Not!

You just gave gifts to hundreds of thousands of people, many if not most of whom make more money than you do. No, I'm not talking about your family and friends with whom you gathered and may still be gathering with during this Christmas Season. Let's hope they appreciated your generorsity, as you did theirs. So who are these other people?
"The federal workforce has become an elite island of secure and high-paid workers, separated from the ocean of average American workers competing in the global economy," according to a report this year by the Cato Institute. 
That report found the average civilian federal government worker collected just under $84,000 a year in taxpayer money, about $32,000 more than the average private sector worker. That's a total federal worker package of about $236 billion a year.

Government workers used to be paid less than those who worked for private companies. The trade-off with government jobs was you make less, and there might be fewer opportunities to rise as far and as fast as some can in private industry, but the job security and benefits made up for the difference. Now, it seems, you get the job security and benefits and you make more.

However, the biggest difference between those who work in private industry and those who work for government is that private industry has to earn profits to pay their workers by offering a product or service that people are willing and able to buy. Government workers are paid by taxpayers. The government doesn't earn, it consumes.

Next time you stay late, or work weekends, or put up with an overbearing boss just so you can keep your income flowing - never mind get ahead - just remember that the more you earn, the more you pay in taxes to pay - right, the ever-increasing roster of federal government workers.

No wonder more Americans now believe government workers have it better than they do.

Read more HERE.


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