The Holidays Have Arrived!

The Christmas-New Year's holiday "break" officially begins today with a short day in the stock market. If history is any guide trading volume will be light through New Year's. Occasional volatile movements may accompany that light volume, as those traders who chose to remain active try to manipulate the lighter volume to squeeze out a bit of profit, but no disasters typically hit us as the year winds down, so you may do well to just ignore any gyrations.

Ideally you've got your investments lined up where you want them. Maybe you rearrange things with some re-balancing. Institutional investors typically do that sort of thing either to "clean up" stray positions or gear up for the New Year.

In any case, let's hope the news remains muted this holiday season, as it usually does, so we can all go about the business of spending (and enjoying, one hopes) time with family and friends. Don't run around too much if you can help it. If you have to travel, don't rush about; stay safe.

Christmas should bring peace and joy, remember? I hope that's the case for you. So best wishes for a blessed, holy and happy Christmas.

Merry Christmas!


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