Romney Running...Really?

The Mitt-Man, the wonderous Mitt Romney, apparently now floats the proposition that he re-do his failed attempt to become President of these United States. And why not? The man proved himself the consummate politician as Governor or Massachusetts, so why not take his act national yet again?

No one will remember that his health care scheme in Massachusetts served as the model for Obamacare. In his first run, somehow those who consider themselves "conservative" conveniently severed the connection. Somehow Romney's feet weren't held to the fire. Despite his promotion and successful implementation of "Romney-care", conservatives somehow decided that Obamacare was different than our now-national health care scheme.

Of course, it was nothing of the sort. Rather, Romney - as Governor of Massachusetts - managed to convince at least some gullible portion of the U.S. population that his "Romneycare" was nothing like "Obamacare." But you know better, right?

So what will it be, if and when Romney decides to run again? Will those who claim the mantel of "conservative" support this Mormen elder yet once again? Of course they will! They will convince themselves that Romney supports and represents the so-called conservative agenda.

Reason and common sense tells us this is complete nonsense.

Romney - if he does run again for President of the United States - will be the same Mitt who tried and failed to convince the American people that he somehow represented their common interests. I don't know what it will take to separate himself from his own failed run for President in 2012, but I wouldn't be shocked if he succeeds in doing so. Most of us can hardly concentrate for more than a few seconds, never mind remember what took place a few years ago. Mitt will be dealing with a clean slate, given this lack of attention span.

Who can forget how Romney was deemed a shoe-in in 20012. Your remember that, don't you? The man was assured of election simply based on the miserable performance during his first term of Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United State, bearer of the Marxist-liberal flame. Romney would prove Obama's match - until he didn't.

But it's a new year, and soon a new election will be upon us. Romney might be able to keep his distance from past attempts to be elected President of the United state. He might - somehow - represent a clean break from the past. Hey, you never know!


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