The Little Tastes of Drama Leading to a Fall Crisis?
It's been so calm for so long that the little tastes of drama that have kicked up likely won't penetrate our sleepy minds. But what if these mini-kerfuffles lead us to a crisis in the fall?
After all, the fall has historically been the time when many stock market crashes have wreaked havoc, and credit crises has peaked. Fall 2008, for example sported both and did so in spades. Stocks fell dramatically, in a short period of time. And the credit crisis that had begun in 2007 reached its apogee, resulting in a degree of fear and panic we've rarely experienced.
If you lived through it, you know what that was like. If you didn't, you may find out something akin to it in a few months. If you lived through it and don't really remember how bad things are, you're an official member of the forget-the-past-to-my-ultimate-detriment-or-demise club.
And to think: It's all over money.
Yes, money, sometimes referred to as "filthy lucre" (in the Bible among other places) ripped out the emotional guts of millions, just as it preys upon the unwary in so many ways.
Unless you were born with a silver spoon and have spent your life in a soporific state of who-cares-there's-always-more-where-that-came-from, you've likely had some financial difficulties, is not disasters, during your earthly sojourn. Indeed, financial anxiety is decidedly not uncommon. We see it often enough in our professional endeavors. We see it in personal encounters sometimes.
If you've read this blog, you know that we frequently post summaries of one or more of our "Brain Trust" folks - the professionals whom we pay for analysis, who have proved themselves to be of value over many years when it comes to understanding the economy and the markets. But not today. Today, we offer something that directly, simply, and profoundly addressed the money fear and anxiety thing. It's a song called "A Satisfied Mind." Johnny Cash didn't write it. But of all the versions I've heard, his delivery hits me in the right spot.
So if you've already settled in for a long July 4th weekend holiday, or even if you haven't, take a listen. But pay special attention to the words. In fact, we'll cut and paste them under the video so you can really concentrate on the oh-so-true message while you allow Johnny Cash's unforgettable voice to penetrate your heart and soul.
How many times have
You heard someone say,
“If I had his money
I could do things my way.”
But little they know
That it’s so hard to find,
One rich man in ten
With a satisfied mind.
Once I was winning
In fortune and fame,
Everything that I dreamed for
To get a start in life’s game.
Then suddenly it happened
I lost every dime.
But I’m richer by far
With a satisfied mind.
Money can’t buy back
Your youth when you’re old,
Or a friend when you’re lonely,
Or a love that’s grown cold.
The wealthiest person
Is a pauper at times,
Compared to the man
With a satisfied mind.
When my life has ended
And my time has run out,
My friends and my loved ones
I’ll leave there’s no doubt.
But one thing’s for certain:
When it comes my time,
I’ll leave this old world
With a satisfied mind.
How many times have
You heard someone say,
“If I had his money
I could do things my way.”
But little they know
That it’s so hard to find,
One rich man in ten
With a satisfied mind.