More People Getting Sick? On Being a Drone and Seeing It All - Except for This

If you haven't stumbled on this, apparently a whole lot more people are getting sick out there. The degree of illness varies, along with the type, but some is pretty serious and some even disabling.

Where's all this coming from? Where's it going?

In our continuing snubbing of markets and the economy, as they bounce along to the Piper's Tune (the Fed and the Government) for however long it continues - until it doesn't - we turn now to this interesting and somewhat disturbing happening. Let's start by gaining some perspective.

Imagine being a drone and seeing it all - not just today's subject, but ALL.

First impression: There's a bit of a thrill in this, looking down on all below, from your perch in the sky. You get to take in all the surroundings that typically escape your attention, but may affect, even impinge on your daily life.

For example, a recent drive north: GPS did of course provide what is supposedly the "fastest routed." But how cool would it be to rise up and survey the route from up there and know exactly what to expect. Yeah, I know, the map on your phone is supposed to provide this perspective, but...In this case, GPS had us on that so-called fastest route as we took off. Immediately, upon entering our first highway leg, traffic was backed up. Is there anything worse than starting a long drive (this one 6 hours or so) and hitting traffic within minutes of departure. The drone perspective would have at least prepared us for the initial shock. Maybe - knowing our local roads backwards and forwards - we might have concocted a work-around that could have allowed us to slip by all the hub-bub.

Besides, the perspective from up there cuts the manacles of gravity to some extent. And who wouldn't like to ditch gravity every once n a while. It pulls us down. And when we're a bit tired, more so exhausted, gravity's like an increasingly heavy weight that makes every step a chore, one that directs our minds to the next rest stop. Being droned, however, circumvents all that. We're carried aloft. The chains that bind us, the weight on our shoulders no longer exists. In that sense we're free - at least for a while.

Being free in a world of weights and and chains has a certain charm, doesn't it? Now, we know we'll never be truly free of all that challenges our every effort and aspiration. That's not how life goes. But getting up above it all for a bit may be a refreshing interval, maybe even a slug of time when we can shake off what's getting in our way and find a new perspective, a new way of getting where we want to go, doing what we want - or ought - to do. Kind of makes it clearer why some people, from a young age, want to be pilots. I've known some. They're not professionals, but they head for some airport and rent a plane and just, well, fly. Never really understood this for a long time. What's the point? But maybe this makes it clearer.

Besides the physical freedom, there's the visual perspective. Who can forget the view from a commercial airliner as you approach a place like, let's say, Manhattan, especially at dusk, with the sun not quite gone. The remaining light provides sometimes glittering highlights that bounce off the towers that jut into the sky as the plane descends. 

One time a flight left Chicago (I think it was Chicago) and flew over Michigan on the way back to NYC. It was fall. We were close enough to Mother Earth to see a vast expanse of forest, a beautiful canvas of autumn leaves, something even the greatest painter could never capture. It was stunning - and obviously memorable.

You can even get a kind of respite from the cares of this world - at least the daily stuff that presses in on anyone who's got a job, a family, ambitions, deadlines, etc. When you're up there, all that can feel far away - at least for time.

Of course, at some point you're back on the ground. And the cares and vicissitudes of every day life take over again. At that point, unless you've got some modicum of a spiritual life (starting with a firm belief in God), you're caught in a the trap of daily living. Stuff flies at you and you've got to deal with it one way or the other.

Being a drone lets you see it all without all the strings attached. But only for a while.

One thing being a drone won't let you see is where we're heading these days. The visuals only give us so much - basically the here and now. But for what's really going on and what might be coming, we need our reason to kick into gear. And it's always best to have made the effort to stock up on facts upon which our reason bases its findings. Without the facts, we're just speculating or, worse, deluding ourselves.

A good example of this may be the whole why everyone is getting sick now. Google it and you'll find a plethora of videos and articles. While there's a fair amount of variation in subject matter, focus and interpretation, there's one glaring omission that seems to be oddly missing.

First, we have to accept that, indeed, lots of folks are getting sick a lot more than they used to. You could debate this, but there are sources of data that reasonably make the case. So having accepted that, the question is what's going on and why

As for the what, there's a palette of various ailments, never mind the supposedly "long COVID" stuff. Other more common and less common ailments are effecting more people, some more seriously than they might have in the past.

Reasons include viruses and bacteria that have somehow changed and strengthened, diseases brought by migrants who carry stuff we're not used to. Then there's the purported weakening of our immune systems due to lock-downs. The theory is that we were all huddled in basically sanitized environments and our normal exposure to a plethora of pathogens was squelched, even eliminated. So our immune system didn't get its daily exercise, got weak, and now can't do its usual job.

You'll find much more if you get online and research this.

What you likely won't find online: that lots of people are getting sick from the jabs they took at the behest and mandates of our "caring" government officials. For that you've got to go an extra mile. Having gone that mile, you may find yourself shaking your head at the shocking fact that this cause is being swept under the rug. And it is being so swept. 'Nough said.

Trying to connect this will all the opining about drones and GPS, we might say that just about all the theories you'll easily find in a search are withing the confines of the internet's GPS. You'll need a drone - and likely a privately owned one - to get high enough to see the whole truth.


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