A Clean Sweep: What We Want May Not Be What We Get
It was a clean sweep, as it turns out, and the so-called "transition" in motion, our world has become inundated with "news" about appointments. Do you know these people? Likely some or most of them. But all - as in really know them? For most of us who don't obsess over politics all the time, likely not. But maybe what we all want is best summarized by "something better." Let's face it, recent years have brought a lot of unpleasantness and outright conflict on the political front. And despite what the government and the legion of mainstream economists have claimed, the economy hasn't been all that friendly to the basic bread and butter middle class folks, especially those with families. One stark example: Wages have not kept up with expenses - for years. So the standard of living has either dropped, or - as is the case for many - credit cards have stepped into the breach. And, of course, that can only go on for so long, right? As f