Will It All Hold Together After The Inauguration?
Question: Will the economy and the financial markets all hold together after the inauguration? We ask because, as you may have noticed, there has been a kind of mystical "glue" that seems to have penetrated the economy and the markets despite the many measures that tell us that there's trouble brewing. Over and over again we read the competing views: "Everything's great, or basically/fundamentally great" vs. "We're in for some big trouble this year" and everything in between. So will the glue stick? Or has it finally dried up and lost its sticking power? Whatever the future holds, many of us will either endure or celebrate the Presidential Inauguration coming up. And, let's face it, things will change in some way, shape, or form in government, in the economy, in the markets. Whether that change is for better or worse and in what timeline things unfold remain unknown for the time being. Meanwhile, those of us who understand that all this pa...