Black Friday Idiocy Hits New York

I suppose we're supposed to be grateful that people are running to stores and malls for "Black Friday" bargains. It's good for the economy, right?

Maybe. But I don't think it's good for people - or maybe I should say "consumers."

That's what we've become. We're not persons; we're consumers. Advertising has convinced us we want lots of stuff we really don't need and rather than save our money so that we'll be able to weather the storm when times get tough, or take care of ourselves when we're older and can't work, we buy stuff.

Something's "off" with this picture.

Am I being snobby or holier-than-thou here? No way. It's just that after some years of looking over people's finances and talking to them about what's important to them, you see the disconnect.

People really do (for the most part) aspire to lives with more meaning than just being able to buy stuff. It's just that they keep getting sucked into buying stuff, owning stuff, even "flashing" stuff at others to show how much they've got.

C'mon people. Get a life. Live the way you really want to live.

If you believe in God, if you think you should be more loving to your family, help others in need, then focus your time and energy on that.

If you know that you spend too much time listening to or looking at the awful, pitiful artifacts of "pop culture" rather than what you know is really worthwhile, really beautiful, then spend more time with the Beautiful.

God didn't create the world so that you could shop, buy stuff, own stuff and show everyone how successful you are. God created the world because He loves you. Love Him, love His creation, His creatures.

Wake up!


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