An Assessment of How Romney Might Act as President

Here's an assessment of how Romney might act as President. (As for his record running Bain Capital, I humbly submit my analysis done some time ago as a reasonable way to judge that, as opposed to some of the tortured analyses I've read from both the Democrats and the Republicans.) I would add this important fact: neither Romney nor Obama seem to have any intention of reducing the size of the federal government in aggregate. They simply want the parts of it that they like to keep growing, and will slow the growth of the other parts.

Journalists and political rivals have scoured Mitt Romney's record running Bain Capital and the Salt Lake City Olympics, in search not only of scandal but also for clues about how he would exercise his duties as president of the United States. Far less scrutiny has been given to Mr. Romney's time in another, far more relevant job—the four years he spent as governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts....(click HERE for the rest of the article).


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