Happy Halloween!

The public observance of Halloween continues to grow, with much of the hoopla taking on a disturbing character these days. Over the years, our neighborhood front yards and store-fronts have filled up with too many horror-filled scenes taken straight from movies about murders, zombies, vampires, etc. If you walked to the station in my neighborhood this morning, you'd be confronted by far too many of these scenes. Not a very uplifting way to start the day to be sure.

Where did all this awful stuff come from? It surely wasn't from Halloween itself. Halloween - actually it's real name is "All Hallow's Eve" - was a Catholic thing, not the horror-show-nightmare-production we now observe all around us. It was (and is if you're Catholic) the evening before a great feast day, All Saints Day, November 1st. But, alas, the prevailing secular-pagan culture hath wrought the present cauldron of horror that brews all around us for weeks on end.

Maybe the most disturbing part of all this is how some kids dress up in line with all this. Without pointing a finger at anyone in particular, one has to wonder what parents are thinking when they dress their kids up like ax-murderers. Isn't that, to use a morally neutral work, excessive? Maybe a few people out there can accept that evaluation of at least the really gory, disgusting example of awful Halloween decorations or costumes.

Then again, maybe not, so let's put it another way. Who in their right mind would display this ugly, offensive, sometimes sickening stuff around their homes and allow their kids to prance around looking like something born of hell or some twisted demented imagination? Can anyone who uses their reason in the tiniest way comprehend how bad all this is for our minds, hearts and souls?

Well, maybe the best thing to do today is take the opportunity to pray for all the poor ignoramuses and/or degenerates who put this garbage in front of their homes, or let their kids dress up in these perverted costumes or even do so themselves. (I still can't get used to adults who dress up for Halloween. Sorry, it's just too immature and idiotic.)
What a world, eh?

Now one last thought: think of how many of us believe that our culture and civilization is the most "advanced" in history. No doubt we've got more technology and comforts than previous generations and civilizations. But when it comes to reason and common sense, there's definitely something missing here, don't you think?

On the other hand, why dwell on the negative? Here's something rather wholesome that accompanies a listing of the 10 most popular chocolate candies at Halloween, each of which do show some semblance of reason and common sense on the part of consumers, I'd say. (Click HERE for the list.)


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