What Have You Learned From the Government Shutdown?

Aside from learning not to waste so much time reading or listening to the main stream media, here are some things you should have learned from the government shutdown:

Politicians will play politics even as the world comes to an end.

Of course, the world isn't coming to an end. But have you noticed that these people have no trouble trying to scare the wits out of you with all their dire scenarios, yet they continue to play politics no matter how dire their predictions? Example: the Treasury will default on U.S. debt payments (they claim), causing a worse financial collapse than what occurred in 2008 (they claim). Yet neither Democrats nor Republicans will give up whatever their political positions might be. (And don't ask me what they are, since I gave up paying attention. I've got real work to do, despite the shutdown. I hope you do too.)

Government bureaucrats will say anything to paint their particular departments as the most important of all.

For example:

The CDC (Center for Disease Control): Without their continuing to function at full force, we'll all get sick from the flu, along with countless other diseases. In other words, diseases will simply run out of control without a government center to "control" them. (How they actually control them while the government is fully functional is anyone's guess.)

Airline traffic controllers: They're still working but 20% will be up for retirement (when they don't say). So presumably they won't be replaced when they retire (as if the shutdown will continue for months on end) and we'll either have planes slamming into each other in the sky or we won't have enough planes flying to accommodate us busy travelers. Right.

The NSA: They can't "protect" us from terrorists without their tens of thousands of employees constantly snooping on our every spoken and written word. Yep, they said we're in trouble with the NSA being understaffed now because of the shutdown. What can you say to such lunacy? It's not worth commenting on, is it?

We could go on, but I suspect you get the point. As we all go about our daily lives, the MSM desperately wants us to tune in so they can make money selling advertising for their reports that try to make us obsess on our dysfunctional government so that they'll (our dysfunctional government) will get the funding they need to continue to function as a dysfunctional government and the MSM can continue reporting on their dysfunctional activities.

I think that's about right. Am I missing something here?


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