Can Time's "Person of the Year" Show Us How to Deal with Refugees?

Can Germany's Chancellor, Angela Merkel, Time Magazine's "Person of the Year," show us how to deal with all those Syrian refugees? If you follow Time's reasons for choosing Merkel , you'll find their logic somehow concludes that Germany under Merkel:
...would welcome refugees as casualties of radical Islamist savagery, not carriers of it.
Now there's a lofty ideal, don't you think? And surely it should apply to the U.S. government as well, right? We will welcome Syrian refugees as casualties of radical Islamist savagery. Yes indeed. Of course, that's exactly the problem: How do we know that all of those refugees are casualties and not followers of radical Islamist savagery? Claiming they're good guys, vs. bad, as the government has asserted to date doesn't count. Why doesn't it count? Ask yourself: How exactly do they know? The last report we saw was the Director of the FBI complaining that it would be impossible for him to screen these refugees. And that was when there were only going to be 10,000 such individuals. With the total having jumped to 200,000, we suspect their ability to screen Syrians hasn't been enhanced.

Has Merkel's German government somehow found a magically simple and efficient method to screen those 1 million refugees flooding the fatherland? Not according to Die Welt:
"We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other people as well as a different understanding of society and law..."
That leaves us wondering how exactly Merkel welcomes refugees "as casualties of radical Islamist savagery, not carriers of it." Without any magical method of screening a million people, many of whom are young single men, rather than the usual mix of men, women, and children, it's hard to see just how Time Magazine concluded that Angela and her cohorts manage to do what so many others have failed to do. Nevertheless, the "welcoming" ideal does fit the liberal mass media's weltanschauung which characterizes all who oppose immigration of any sort as possessing some form or combination of racism, nationalism, jingoism, bias, Islamaphobia - well, the list goes on, but you get the point.

So with Angela firmly ensconced as a darling of said liberal media, a champion of refugees everywhere, we can only hope that the future will not find her treading on the same path as other Time Magazine "Persons of the Year" like Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, and - you guessed it - Adolph Hitler.

Come to think of it, with that in mind, why would anyone want to be chosen "Person of the Year" in the first place?


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