Are We Still So Convinced Things Will Be OK?

Our last post indicated that things will be fine no matter who wins. Why? Because the Senate would remain Republican, with the House remaining Democrat. The latter seems assured. The former, though, not as we originally thought.

It seems the fate of the Senate depends on a runoff election in Georgia. And with that, it seems we could have a Dem Senate - a switch. Combined with Biden declaring victory, supported by the major media, and you've got a full slate of Dems running things: President, Senate, House. That, if it holds, does change matters considerably.

Of course, the current President, and some of his party, continue to protest the election results. They continue initiating legal procedures designed to stem any definitive conclusion or even reverse what has been presented as a fait accomplis with the Presidential voting. Should we wait to see what they come up with, rather than go along with the Biden camp? You decide for yourself. I know what I'll be doing.

But rather than get into the weeds today with all this, I wanted to recognize those who have been despondent over the supposed election of Biden. "Despondent" means "of low spirits from loss of hope or courage." Frankly, I wouldn't care so much about reading about perfect strangers (in media/internet/social media postings) feeling this way. Since I don't know the source of such comments, I have no idea if they're real or sincere. However, a good friend has been feeling this way. Knowing someone makes it real. Maybe others of my loved ones or acquaintances feel thusly also. If so, they haven't broadcasted it. But if they do, then the following is addressed to them too.

Now, this will be a bit arcane to some, especially if you're not a believing, practicing Catholic, or Christian (at least some denominations), or (I think) Jewish. (Maybe some other religions has some form of this understanding as well.) But here goes:

If Biden becomes President, and/or if the Senate flips, we need to understand that this will be God's Will. Not that He actively Willed these results, rather than He permitted them. 

The important distinction here is between God's active and permissive Will. Yeah, it's a theological thing, but I've learned - over time - that it's important. Not that I'm complaining or whining, but when enough bad things happen to you or those around you, you naturally try to understand how a "Good God" could permit something evil to befall those who are innocent. The death of small children - perfectly innocent beings - can maybe serve as a clear example. But there are many other examples we encounter in our own lives. 

Because I make the time and exert the effort to study my Catholic Faith, I have grown to understand this distinction between God's active and permissive Will. (If those aren't the correct theological terms to express this distinction, my apologies; but I think you get the point.) Thank God for that. When our eldest child - an adult who had just married and had a child - suffered a massive stroke and died almost two years ago, that understanding was helpful - to put it mildly. So believe me when I say that it's a distinction that makes a difference. I can surely attest to that.

That understanding precludes despondency - or at least it should - in the case of those who don't like the current alleged results, or - eventually - what will be the permanent results of this election. Not that it's easy to deflect despondency. Heck, comprehension of such a truth is one thing; acceptance quite another. (Again, I'm speaking from experience here.) But acceptance will be eventually be required - on either side of the political fence) when all has finally settled.

Do I hope - even in my wildest imaginings - that most people a) understand and accept the distinction between the active and permissive Will of God; b) if understood will actually accept it; c) will proceed with their lives in a peaceful and stable manner, knowing that - for whatever His mysterious reasons - the result (whatever it might be) is God's Will? No. 

And I'm not being cynical here. Just recognizing the human condition. It's hard for most of us to live our lives seeking to do and accepting God's Will, whether it agrees with our wishes or not. So, consistent with that, why expect people to do anything different when it comes to the result of this election - called by some "the most important of our lifetimes."

But on the outside chance that even one person might be reminded that the results of all this will be God's Will, I just thought I'd throw this out there.

As for whether things will be OK, remember that just because the results will be God's Will is no assurance that such results will guarantee that everything will be OK, according to your idea of what "OK" means.

In the end, God's ways are not our ways.


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