German Central Banker Nailed by Irish Journalist

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

In the midst of your St Paddy's celebrations, I suggest you spend 5 minutes with this video to get a true appreciation for the Irish.

A German employee of the ECB (European Central Bank is holding a press conference with Irish journalists. After he makes a few remarks, an Irish journalist poses a carefully worded question. While you watch and listen, focus on the Irish journalist's persistence in not allowing the central banker to avoid answering the question directly.

The issue: why are the Irish being forced (and they are being forced) to pay for the mistakes of European banks? Notice how the woman next to the central banker tries to deflect the journalists several times.

Now simply apply your own reason and common sense. It's not hard to follow the journalist is it? He's asking a rather simply question. Ironically, the central banker, in his initial remarks, "compliments" the Irish people for understanding what he refers to as "complex" financial issues. (I don't know about you, but that comment does sound a bit condescending, doesn't it?)

But here's my point in posting this video: You don't have to know a lot about the European debt crisis, its effect on the Irish economy, the ECB or our current financial and economic crisis to be able to understand this journalist's point. His persistence and the refusal on the part of the central banker to answer directly, as well as the woman's ultimate dismissal of the journalist show us that the ability to discuss certain issues openly is not welcome. Free exchange of ideas is being suppressed here.

Now ask yourself why? Why do these officials refuse to answer this journalist?

Worse, the central banker claims he has answered the question. He's lying, isn't he?

What sort of people are these who are running the show in Europe.?

What would St Patrick think of all this?


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