Robert Rubin Shuns US Dollars?

Former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin thinks he has too many US dollars. (You'll find his comments here.)
But what caught my attention was this comment about the "big picture":

“My overall conclusion is we should all hope for the best,” he said. “It is absolutely prudent to prepare for the worst.”

I was surprised that a guy like Rubin would say this. It probably won't get much coverage, but remember you read it here.
Rubin doesn't get into details about how he's preparing. Is he buying gold? (Remember he traded gold when he worked for Goldman Sachs.) Did he buy back-up food supplies, water, etc? Does he keep money off-shore in case he has to "get out of Dodge"?
In any case, it reinforces my thought that the "smart money" has been preparing for a possible collapse of the financial system. Think about this. So, what do you think?


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