Greek Nazis Gaining Ground

The Greek neo-Nazi party, Golden Dawn, continues to attract followers - and potential voters. In a recent visit to Berlin, the Greek Prime minister compared this country's situation to Germany's Weimar Republic:
...Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, leader of New Democracy, told German media that Greece's woes were similar to conditions that led to the collapse of the Weimar Republic in Germany and ushered in the Nazis. Extreme leftist populism and "an extreme right, you could almost say fascist, neo-Nazi party," were clashing in the same way that battles between communists and fascists marked the 1919 to 1933 Weimar years, he said.
Before you panic, remember that Germany, during the years of Weimar, was a much larger country compared to Greece. In spite of its woes, it was economically strong compared with Greece today.

On the other hand, the situation in Greece isn't all that dissimilar to the situation in any number of larger, more powerful European countries.

It's certainly something to keep our eyes on.

(You can read the entire Reuter's Special Report on Greece by clicking HERE.)


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