"Gay Marriage" Rejected by Federal Appeals Court
A U.S. Court of Appeals in Cincinati rejected a "gay marriage" as a fundamental right by a 2-1 margin. The significance of this decision may be that the U.S. Supreme Court will be forced to consider the issue, something it recently tried to avoid.
No one wants to cross the "gay lobby." It's well funded and ruthless. The drive for "gay marriage" has been an objective for decades. The strategy pursued has been one of "incrementalism," the advocacy of change by degrees. There will be no stopping their accomplishment of this objective - at least that's the message being sent in assured, confident fashion:
Lots of "quotation" marks in this post, si?
No one wants to cross the "gay lobby." It's well funded and ruthless. The drive for "gay marriage" has been an objective for decades. The strategy pursued has been one of "incrementalism," the advocacy of change by degrees. There will be no stopping their accomplishment of this objective - at least that's the message being sent in assured, confident fashion:
“The legacies of Judges Deborah Cook and Jeffrey Sutton will forever be cemented on the wrong side of history,” Chad Griffin, president of the advocacy group Human Rights Campaign, said in a statement.This Court of Appeals decision may prove to be a merely a bump in a long road that began decades ago for those who proffer "gay rights." If I were a betting man, that's where I'd plunk down my gelt. On the other hand, there is an outside chance that it will lead to the Supreme Court rejecting something claimed as a right based on there being no basis to characterize it as a "right," the operative word being "outside."
“Gay and lesbian couples in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee are just as deserving of marriage equality as the rest of America,” he said.
Lots of "quotation" marks in this post, si?