The Unmentioned Factor Spurring Ilegal Immigration

The latest influx of illegal immigrants, specifically those cascading over the Mexican border, has spawned both political and economic commentary. But one factor remains unmentioned: the minimum wage. The ability to put 2 + 2 together yields the following:

The minimum wage was increased in 2014. Illegal immigration increased dramatically in 2004.

Doesn't this just make sense? Wouldn't an increase in minimum wages attract those who typically take minimum wage jobs?

What I don't know is how people who employ illegals pay them. Do they pay all "off the books." Or are some paid on the books? Some combination?

But either way, if the minimum wage increases, the employer who pays off the books might very well pay a bit more if the official minimum wage goes up.

It's not the only factor that accounts for the flood this year, I suspect. And I'm not discounting the theory that the current federal administration has enabled this flood by its loose border policies. But surely higher wages - along with a steady increase in low-paying (read "minimum wage") jobs provides an incentive for those who want to work.

It's just common sense, isn't it?


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