American Olympic Athletes Don't Need the Government to Compete in the Olympics

American Olympic athletes aren't subsidized by the government the way some other Olympic athletes from other countries are. It's been that way for as long as I can remember - maybe forever.

So I'm watching the Olympics now, and will for the next two weeks. How can you not enjoy these elite athletes compete at the highest level? And I'm thinking about how American athletes compete without government programs. I'm inspired. Maybe we should all be inspired. And it got me thinking about a disturbing new trend.

In case you haven't read about this, more and more Americans are collecting disability benefits under the Social Security program. Are more Americans disabled? I doubt it. I suspect that we're looking at a kind of collusion between Americans and their government. And I suspect the government has taken the lead role in this collusion. Why else would the number of Americans collecting Social Security disability benefits increase - unless it's the case that more Americans are disabled, which, as I mentioned, I doubt.

What, you think I'm arbitrarily doubting that more Americans are disabled? Listen. It's not up to me to prove my point. Is there any reason to think that a higher percentage of Americans are disabled? What might that reason be? Unless you can come up with some reasonable explanation for why a higher percentage of Americans are disabled, then you must look elsewhere for an explanation for why more Americans are collecting disability benefits under the Social Security Administration's benefit program.

(Excuse me, but Dana Vollmer just won the 100m Butterfly swimming race in world record time. Quite exciting. And she lost lost her swimming cap during the race to boot!)

So look at the contrast between these Americans who train and qualify and compete in the Olympics without the government supporting them. Now think about how record numbers of Americans are collecting disability benefits under the Social Security Administration's disability benefit program.

What do you think?

I'm not saying that everyone who is collecting disability benefits is a moocher. But what do you think?

Anyway, I really enjoy watching the Olympics. And I'm most especially impressed by the athletes who have made it their business to get to the Olympics without government subsidies. That would be - not exclusively, but for the most part - the American athletes.

Hold on. Ryan Lochte is swimming in the 200m freestyle preliminaries. See you later.


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