Is Revolution Brewing in America?

The American Revolution just marked its 236th anniversary this past July 4th. Are we due for a new one?

Just today, two regular sources I go to for information featured commentary on revolution. This struck me because they weren't "quack" sources and neither focuses particularly on political matters, although politics does come into the picture from time to time.

My initial reaction was that most people I know are half-asleep most of the time. So the idea that anyone is thinking of straightening out the mess we're in by effecting real change - indeed a revolution - struck me as exaggerated if not preposterous. But maybe I should keep an open mind (something I really do try to do at all times, by the way).

Indeed, as if in anticipation of my own (and others') skeptical reaction, one source bluntly stated that "millions" of Americans are ripe for revolution. He didn't say how he knew this, but he did list the issues that he claims have gotten people either ripe for revolt or, at the very least, angry - as in, "mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore"). For your consideration, here are the issues that could trigger strong reaction, action, if not revolution. Notice they all involve the federal government.
  1. The government can detain U.S. citizens indefinitely without trial under the guise of enemy combatant status.
  2. The government claims the legal right to assassinate U.S. citizens without trial and without due process under the law, including the very clear requirements of the treason clause.
  3. The government may, at will, confiscate your private property, in the name of national security and preparedness.
  4. The government reserves the right to take control of or eliminate all communications networks, including phone, radio, television, cell internet, etc., in the name of national security.
  5. The federal government, in cooperation with local governments, is not in the process of unleashing a swarm of unmanned Predator Drones over our homes and towns to make mass surveillance of the public easier - all without probable cause or the protections of the 4th Amendment.
  6. The government - right now - captures, collates, and monitors the communications of millions of citizens without probable cause or a warrant under the FISA domestic spy bill.
  7. The federal government, without congressional permission, cooperation or oversight, can declare martial law and embed active serving military amongst the populace in a law enforcement capacity. This includes institution of Northcom, which is a standing military presence in the U.S. whose primary mission is to quell domestic. dissent.
If you just read these statements and either don't understand any of them, I recommend you wake up and spend some time familiarizing yourself with these issues.

If you believe these statements are true, I assure you that, with the exception #7 (I'm not sure about the reference to "Northcom"), I know them to be true. Frankly, you should know this too.

If all the above doesn't give you cause for concern, I can only shake my head and feel sorry for you.

And now that I think about it, since all of the above is true, I'm taking a chance even publishing this, right?

(If interested, you can read the whole article by clicking HERE.)


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