Colorado Wildfires Bring Out Burglars

Burglars robbed Colorado houses located in areas where wildfires swept through. You can read the report by clicking here.

There's no surprise here. Looters follow all sorts of disasters. If you face a pending disaster like fire, flood, hurricane, etc. and have to abandon your home, you can expect this sort of vulture to sweep in and take whatever he or she can steal.

Some people understand this and prepare for it. This is the best approach. The point here is that whatever you leave behind, figure it will be stolen. If it isn't you're ahead of the game.

Others hope for the best and rely on the goodness of human nature. These are people who have either never experienced disaster, or who simply insist on thinking the best of everyone out there. This is not a good approach. It's not facing reality.

Reality is that in the worst possible situations, there are people who rise to the occasion and help others. Some even sacrifice their lives for their fellow men. But there are also people who take advantage of the misfortune of others. And they will go to any lengths to take advantage.

These are simple, basics of life. You don't have to be a psychologist to understand that this is just the way people are made. If you think everyone's evil or everyone's wonderful you're not dealing with reality as it is. Just learn to face the world as it is and you'll be far better off.

Of course, it's hard not to slip into wishful thinking when you face disaster. It's only natural to wish that people will "do the right thing" in a situation where you're helpless. But that's just not dealing with reality. They may or they may not. Organize your life in such a way that you recognize people for what they are: good and bad - sometimes in the same person!

Why do I bring all this up? Because in the midst of the biggest economic and financial crisis of our lifetimes, there is always the possibility that social unrest will spread - kind of like a wildfire. Just ask the people of Colorado about how this wildfire spread and you'll see how suddenly it spread.

The same may (and I'm just saying "may") occur with social unrest - even here in the U.S. If the economy puts enough people in a more or less tough situation and if enough people decide that rather than "tough it out," they'd rather take from you to make up for what they don't have, don't be surprised. Just be prepared.

The thing is, just remember the wild fires and how fast they spread. Learn a lesson from the real world. Deal with reality as it is.


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