Let's Get Some Irish Cops to Straighten Things Out Over Here

Irish cops keep the peace in New York. Growing up, most cops were Irish, and there are still a lot of Irish cops in the Police Department now. Even the Police Commissioner - Ray Kelly - is, obviously, Irish.

But even if those Irish cops can keep a lid on the criminals operating amidst the millions crammed into NYC, they won't help us when it comes to our economic and financial crisis. So how about those other Irish cops - the ones in Ireland?

It seems those Irish cops just arrested the ex-CEO of Anglo Irish bank. That's the bank that was bailed out as the Irish economy crashed. It seems he - and two other associates - are being accused of committing fraud by hiding the bank's losses so that regulators and depositors would have no idea that the bank was a mess. When it was too late to do anything about it, these guys had made their money and the depositors were left hanging. So the Irish cops put the cuffs on old Sean Fitzpatrick and the other two perps.

Now that's something we could use more of over here, right?

Well, we can either keep hoping for justice to jump out out of the muck and mire that was created leading to the 2008 crash, or we can start getting insistent.

Occupy Wall Street tried being insistent last year. (By the way, whatever happened to those people? They were crowing about how this year they'd be even stronger, really mixing things up. Anyone seen any of them?)

Of course, the "OWS" crowd was a weird mix. And while some of what they were shouting about had merit, a lot of it was Marxist-socialist-anti-capitalist nonsense. You knew how off-kilter they were when they started calling on the government to straighten things out. The government! They must have missed the government's role in the collapse of our economy and corruption of our financial markets. Then again, they didn't really strike you as rocket scientists, did they?

Anyway, folks, it's really our job to stir things up at this point. If we just ignore the whole issue of accountability, no one will be held accountable. It's a simple as that.

Let's take a simple example of who we might expect to be held accountable here.

Just think about all the mortgage bankers who accepted loan applications that were fraudulent. Then think about the regulators who looked the other way. And the government policies that pushed the idea that every American should own a home - every American as in whether or not you could afford a home.

That's just one crew whose activities pulled down our economy and financial system. There are more.

Recently I noted claims that "revolution" is brewing in America. I don't know whether these claims are true or not. One author says that "millions" are on the brink, just about ready to pop I don't know. I don't really see that much outrage around me. How about you?

Well, if we can't get ourselves worked up about all this enough to demand that our public officials do their job and seek to enforce justice, I guess we could always bring a few of those Irish cops over here. They seem to understand how to do it. Here's the report directly from the Emerald Isle...

(By the way, if you watched the video, pay attention to the reporter and compare his knowledgeable, detailed commentary to the typical "news" reporter here in the States.)


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