$1 Trillion Platinum Coin?

The U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve said they won't pursue a plan to mint a trillion dollar coin as a device to avoid the debt ceiling.
If you haven't heard about this proposed coin, you can find the rest of the story by clicking HERE. (If you do check out the story, click on the embedded video too.)

If you find this silly, that's understandable. 

But if you find it disturbing, even frightening, that's even more understandable. The people who proposed this essentially were proposing that the government create $1 Trillion out of nothing. So what's new? The Federal Reserve has created trillions out of nothing already. The fact that the device this time would be a platinum coin rather than digits on a computer screen is irrelevant.  

If you don't understand that the Federal Reserve and the banking system create money out of nothing, you should make it your business to do so as soon as feasible. 

If the idea that the Federal Reserve and/or the government can do this doesn't disturb you, I suggest you think about it some more.

If you haven't taken any specific actions to defend yourself against this, good luck. 


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