The Cold, Not the Flu, Threatens to Kill More Greeks

The press has been scaring us all with reports about a flu "epidemic" these days. But this really is disturbing you don't hear much about it:

The struggle to stay warm has also had tragic consequences. In early December, in the northern Greek village of Mesoropi, three siblings age 5, 7 and 15 were found dead after a fire broke out from a wood stove their family was using to heat the house. The fire had spread quickly during the night, causing parts of the house to collapse and trapping the children as they slept. The family had 10 children.

The incident shocked Greece and was quickly latched on to by the opposition Syriza party, which opposes the country's austerity program that has led to higher costs for heating fuel and increased electricity tariffs.

The Syriza party is a neo-fascist party based on the model of Hitler's Nazis. Think about this, then pair that thought with the recognition of the extreme hardship that some Greek families are facing. 

The urgency of the Greek debt crisis may have been massaged out of the media spotlight by the financial elites monkeying around with the European debt crisis. The banks may have been saved for the time being. The same can't be said for the Greek people.

Keep your eye on this because it's not only Greece that could wind up in this situation.


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