Obamacare Overturned?

Republican political chatter turns to Obamacare being overturned. See how burdensome it has become, they say. Look, they've (the Administration) delayed the Employer Mandate ("Play or Pay Tax") for a whole year.  Now the Republicans pushed through a measure, in response, to to delay the Individual Mandate (the tax penalty if you don't own insurance in 2014) for a year.

And so we come to recent comments about "overturning" Obamacare. No one likes it any more, etc., etc. Don't believe it. Here's why:

From the beginning, the strategy has been, as it always is with massive legislation like this, to get the bureaucracy in place and get the benefits rolling ASAP. Once that's been accomplished, it becomes impossible to overturn the legislation. The program takes on a life of its own.

Think there's still time to stop this juggernaut before it gets too big, before the benefits really start flowing into the minds and pockets of the average American? If you do, check this out:
Obamacare means that health insurance companies have to be accountable to you. If they spend too much money on overhead and not enough on medical care, you get a rebate -- just like 8.5 million Americans this summer. Here's a graphic that breaks things down. Will you share it to help answer questions in your community?
By the way, it seems as much as $500 million has been distributed through this one part of Obamacare. So we've got 8.5 million Americans getting $500 million - and that's just on piece of Obamacare.

I'm not saying you can't find studies, data and statistics that would show negative effects. But these sorts of spiffs to the average American are what will ensure that health care reform is here to stay.

I'm also not saying that it's possible that enough momentum builds towards some sort of revamping of the enormous health care reform legislation passed in 2010. After all, some Democrats joined Republicans in voting to delay the Individual Mandate. But a complete overturning of the legislation? That still seems like a huge stretch. And if I'm right, it will be because American people who have and will stand to benefit - or at least perceive that they might benefit - will let their representatives know that they don't want to go back to the old ways - or else. So when push comes to shove, politicians will blow with the wind. And unless we get a real gale force against Obamacare American voters, the wind continues to blow in favor of Obamacare.

Click HERE for the whole post from your friends at the White House.


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