The Future of Privacy
(Reuters) - Twitter is under increasing pressure from governments around the world to release user's private information, with requests rising 40 percent in the first six months of the year, the microblogging company said Wednesday in its semi-annual transparency report.In case you're wondering about the future of privacy, read the rest of this article HERE.
Back in April, we posted a video you may want to take another look at. (Click HERE.)
On July 5th, we shared some thoughts about liberty, focusing on some famous words by Benjamin Franklin that many people misquote, but need to be properly understood if we're to remain rational in an increasingly irrational world. (Click HERE.)
But in the end, it always pays to keep your eye on the trend. And the trend, I submit to you, is towards an increasing loss of your privacy. And unless you're willing to pick up and disappear - or as the popular phrase has it, go "off the grid" - you may as well get used to the fact that everything you put in writing - anywhere - and, to a lesser degree - for now - anything you say will be captured and saved somewhere.
That, my friends, is our world today.