Time to Leave Society?

By our nature, we're social creatures. And so we live in society. But what happens when the society in which you live turns on you, rejects you, oppresses you, threatens your well-being, if not your very life? Christians, and Catholics in particular (at least some) have begun to think, talk, write and discuss this lately. Here's yet another reason why: a Catholic teacher was just fired for posting comments defending traditional marriage on Facebook.

After being placed on leave as the result of a pressure campaign initiated, apparently, by Hollywood elites let by Susan Sarandon, we just learned that... 
...Jannuzzi’s lawyer has revealed that the school has caved to these demands, and that diocesan lawyers have made clear that there is "no way" Jannuzzi will ever return to the classroom. 

Bishop Paul G. Bootkoski of the Diocese of Metuchen has also issued a public statement backing up the school’s decision, and saying that the Catholic theology teacher’s “comments were disturbing and do not reflect the Church’s teachings of acceptance."
While you might wonder how Hollywood types got involved here, the important point is that they were, which demonstrates a concerted effort by some people in a position of influence to turn on, reject, oppress, and threaten the well-being of Catholics who simply state the teachings of their Church. Then again, it seems that some Catholic leaders are taking such aggressive anti-Catholic positions, witness the comments of the Bishop of Metuchen above. Note that the Church decidedly does not authoritatively teach anything like "acceptance," whatever that might mean in the confused mind of this bishop. The Church does teach charity - indeed charity above all - when it comes to how we treat our fellow human beings. "Acceptance" isn't charity; it's a rather general, virtually meaningless term that smacks of indifference to the the sinful behavior of others. And indifference is decidedly uncharitable. Think about it.

In any case, it would seem it's time to ratchet up the thinking, talking, writing and discussion of this turn of events which shows that members of our society would like to harm some of us. We in harm's way need to take this seriously and consider what our plan is to defend ourselves.

Or, we can give in, surrender ourselves to those who consider our beliefs to be a problem, one that can only be solved by harming us. We can, like this quisling bishop, join the fray and turn on our own.

Whatever your choice might be, you do need to begin making choices here. And not only if you're Catholic. You see, those who would harass and harm Catholics because or their religious beliefs will harass and harm anyone and everyone who holds any religious belief based on the ability of human beings to know that some things are true, some false, as well as knowing that some actions are good, some bad.

If you're such a person, you need to begin making choices here too.

(You can read the rest of the media report HERE.)


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